“Tourista: a Story of Privilege”

White tourista behaving badly  Concerned that she is being given higher prices than locals she doesn’t even see the link between higher prices and more food in children’s bellies  That she doesn’t realise this and she selectively sees only the beseeching smiles on her hosts’ faces is an expression of how shallow the once deep […]

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“Fruit Tree Jungle”

On a hill overlooking a crocodile flanked river lives a musical fruit tree jungle hut  To get there you must travel past fields where sugar canes, banana trees and coconut palms touch the sky, competing for space with an ever hungry pig filled jungle  Tree skeletons protrude brokenly from caked mud which licks at my […]

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“The Art of Hypnotising”

We start in the womb with our own hypnosis Our dance with the natural and created world Sensation and movement  Light and dark Noises filtered through a bubble Then we are born and the hypnotic play takes on a whole new intensity  Are we the magician? Who has the power? What is the game? I […]

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“Hang Your Head Up”

We’re stolen generation Parents stolen by work Or sinking back the bottle  While we play in the dirt We always keep our mouths closed We don’t spill out the violence  We never want to impose So we scream out in silence  We go to church We say our prayers At night we hug our teddy […]

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“Melbourne Night Life”

Fashionable people huddle Layered up like herons Musicians of varying talents Try to appeal to us With their varying gibes and costumes As we walk smartly across town Those with less skill making up for it With elaborate costumes and a cheeky fascade Those with real talent Modestly slide across the strings effortlessly Making me […]

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“Albania: a Work in Progress”

Ruins give birth to shopfronts  Castles become cafes Staircases are built going to nowhere Goat cheese, tomatoes and sour olives are popular  People like stuff in filo pastry and meaty soups Goats and cows eat garbage So does the land and sea due to lack of governmental removal  Sometimes rubbish is burnt More often it […]

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“Multi D Humanity”

Humanity is a curious creature When you observe humans the complexities of their characters come to light In a single day of living you can come to see the varying shades of human  life Vast like the ocean Multilayered and shifting like sand on a beach on a windy day Humans can be beautiful and humble […]

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“Now I Lay Me Down”

Burying an old rotting Tasmanian tiger A road fatality brought here by a man who is not here at this point  Skin stripped off and nailed stretched over an old log to make a new drum skin  The muscles and sinews make a macabre display on the front porch  An interesting addition to a mostly […]

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“The Elephant and the Gas”

Live your dreams or you may find yourself living someone else’s  I think this as I look into the leaden clouded eyes of a rotten dead wallaby Head cocked so that spinal cord protrudes slightly  I am piling rocks against a wire fence My boots thickly sink in mud making it hard to move  Each […]

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“London Calling”

I am going to London I chose this path because I felt I had a calling Or is that just a song that I like? Sometimes though I am not sure if I am getting a call or simply listening to the dial tone  I can never tell where the inside voice ends and the […]

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