“Society’s contextual rules about bits as understood by an alien visitor”

Little nipples are permitted on and off beaches

Unless you are a lady

Ladies, nipples can be ok on some beaches 

But not off those beaches 

Never in rivers 

Except for when only hippies see and children

But only your children 

Once an adult sees that any child not your own sees your breasts it becomes sinful

Or even your own if you are seen by someone who knows about sin

Just ask them

They know 

No lady nipples online 

It breaches community standards 

Unless you hide the sin beneath a sticker

Then it becomes ok 

The round bit at the top  is ok on and offline 

The underboob is suggestive in RL

But not online

Doodles are never ok on the beach 

Unless nobody except the hippies see

Won’t somebody PLEASE think of the children 

Meanwhile the children can see their own doodles 

But only when on the beach or at home 

Never in the streets

The streets are sinful maybe?

A flaccid doodle is artistic

Unless you are in the beach

It then becomes pornographic

Beach plus doodle equals sin

Won’t SOMEONE please, PLEASE think of the children

Meanwhile the children don’t care

They just want to helicopter their doodles and have a feed if they are in infancy 

Otherwise they don’t care about boobs on or off the beach

Unless they are told to care

Then it becomes sinful 

Flaccid doodle is not ok in the bedroom

It is ok when helicoptered 

But only when drunk and not in front of the children 

In mercy’s name won’t SOMEONE, anyone PLEASE think of the children

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