“Authenticity has many forms”

He can’t take the reflection of light from me 

Sarcasm can’t make a murmer on my mind

Because I am captivated by enchantments that cast a more beauteous hue 

The gentle hum of flickering lights shine more upon my gentle shores 

So that sticks are not stones that toss against my mind

Gentle reader

I cast a spell upon my own mind 

The lights

Upon the water

I see them even now 

No one can take that one enchantment I chose to cast

I became the magician 

Om shanti shanti Om 

Don’t let anyone in your life stop you playing with the lighting in your photos 

Or whatever gives you joy 

Play is play 

Live your life authentically

And play with your photos if you like

Or damn it 

Even use a filter 

Do whatever gives you joy

Dance in the rain if you wish 

Or make love in a wooden canoe

If you feel

But never let anyone shame you for your authentic expression of you 

Express the world in all the playful ways you choose 

Don’t let anyone shame you for the way you express 

Love is love

It is unconditional

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