
Are we all mere illusion?

Are we painted shadows upon the cave wall?

Are we all just smiling moments arranged delicately in an ornate composite frame ?

But then sometimes we cry or we yell and we break the carefully constructed facade so our bricks crumble revealing raw wounds that have been painted over before

AND before

And before!

Stop now!

JUST please stop 🛑

Now you are going back to the beginning

Never look back

But then we do look back and we are turned to salt again

Big rivers that carry us away

Don’t get carried away

Keep it together

So are we all just painted photographic scripts, a series of moments in motion?
A sequence of superimposed moments constructed from carnival glass balanced so precariously it is a wonder that we hold together ?

Are we beautiful broken fragments of shattered geometric patterns pulled apart
Then glued together with crazy glue into some nonsensical sequential representation of ourselves?

Are we merely floating butterflies dissolving every moment into our crystalline cocoons to be born again at each rising breath?

Rising and falling with the sun and moon cyclically

Riding with the tide

Negotiating the peaks and troughs, the constant streams of ourselves and the beings we are connected to

While all the while wondering why we do the things we do

Who are we?

What are we doing?

WHAT are we?


Why are we here?

Why are we?


Or maybe that’s just me

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