A modern lady knows the importance of cushions, cups and clothes
The hallmarks of a civilised society
The epitome of comfort and class
Twinings sipped with pinky raised
As twittering ladies nibble their kibble
While perched primly upon cushions in cafes
Prattling like parrots
About current events and shared acquaintances
The ability to speak in code is a necessary survival skill
In this urban jungle
Impractical shoes thrust ankles on elegant tilts
As fancy lacework show titillating sneak peaks of forbidden flesh
That a lady never will reveal
Except when panting men make fumbling advances in their boudoir
That never quite live up to the hype
Or when casually revealed on beach side vacations upon foreign shores
Where they lay giggling over fruit filled glasses besides their lady friends
On man made beaches that combine poolside and palm trees with a view of the sea
A modern lady knows the importance of viewing an ocean without the terrors inherent in dealing with the reality of the actual sea